Dec 20, 2010

New Makeover

Hey, well this is potentially awkward since well I've got no followers.. :(

So for the new year I'm going to blog every single day, yes you heard me, and I'm going to do 2 posts a day one personal and the other about fashion or makeup. I know there is a lot of blogs, especially fashion ones but I am going to succeed and I'm not going to stop. I'm going to give myself one whole year and if I don't get at least 30 followers well at least I can say I tried.
So wish me look, if there is actually someone reading this now hah.. I don't paticulary like the stuff I used blog about my style has changed quite a lot over the last couple of months. I'm more into Old Hollywood glamor, but not like the pinup look. I certainly couldn't pull that one off.

Ciao for now,
Lucy xo